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According to the National Cancer Institute, about 10 million people have survived cancer. 5 million of those have survived 5 years or more after first being diagnosed. More people are living relatively normal lives for years after original diagnosis.

Life after cancer means more than just putting memories of diagnosis and treatment in the past. Many parts of a survivor's life continue require adjustment, due to the aftereffects of treatment, the emotional toll on family, and the anxiety that comes with each visit to your healthcare team.

Your team at LA Cancer Network is ready to help you adjust to life after cancer and everything you may face in the months and years following treatment. Surviving cancer is an ongoing, constantly changing process. We are your resource for answers to your questions and excellent programs for survivors and their families. We are here to address your physical and emotional needs as a cancer survivor.

The following publications can be found at the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

We have four locations in Southern California to serve your patients. Click here for more info.